‘Blade’ Loses Director, Rumor Says Plan Still Is To Shoot In 2025


There is a lot happening with Blade, but for the most part the noise is because nothing is happening with it. The movie was infamously put on pause back in September 2022, just a few weeks before it was set to start shooting, as Marvel was very unsatisfied with the overall creative direction. A new director was brought on board shortly thereafter, Yann Demange, and this week we learned that he’s departed the project as well.


The Wrap reported earlier this week that the split between Demange and the studio was completely amicable and that it happened months ago. They also added that Eric Pearson, an MCU veteran who’s been doing polishes on Fantastic Four after working on Black Widow and Thor: Ragnarok, is the latest scribe to take a crack at the story. Michael Starrbury, Nic Pizzolatto, and Michael Green tackled it before him.


Mahershala Ali remains on board as the title character, and the overall message here seems to be not to panic. Insider Daniel Richtman followed up with some tidbits on his Patreon page, where he said that Marvel has been looking for a replacement for a while, and that the plan is still to shoot the pic top of the year. They have landed on a story and have figured out how it fits into the larger narrative, particularly as they try to set up a Midnight Sons movie (which Michael Green is rumored to be penning). Ali is said to be satisfied with it too.


Marvel’s Blade reboot currently holds a November 7, 2025, date, but it is widely expected to be pushed back, especially if Marvel decides to delay Fantastic Four to get out of a murderer’s row in July 2025 that also includes Superman and a new Jurassic World movie starring Scarlett Johansson and Mahershala Ali.


The news also come as Marvel continues to prep for Avengers 5, which could also shoot next year and which is, at this moment, scheduled for May 2026 (we’ll see how long that holds).